Visite de l’Impératrice au pavillon Rouge le jour de la fête des lanternes :…Le jour même, fut émis un décret ordonnant à l’Impériale Compagne Jia de s’acquitter de la visite aux parents, le quinzième jour de la première lune de l’année prochaine, jour de la première pansélène. Ce décret reçu, chez les Jia, personne ne connut plus de répit, de jour ni de nuit.… Sur …

The Lantern Festival Read More »

In May 2024, the president of the Xuan Yuan Group and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha announced an ambitious project: to organize an exceptional exhibition in China dedicated to Yuka, a woolly mammoth perfectly preserved in the eternal ice of Siberian permafrost.

TresOrient’s works of art and objets d’art just couldn’tbelieve it! Indeed, from Wednesday 18th to Tuesday 24th January 2023, you were invited to come and walk through the length and breadth of our gallery to meet many of them. How pleasant and rewarding it was for our numerous pieces to intrigue you, captivate you, have you explore the Orient’s beauty and history. Be they standing on a …

Our works of art and objets d’art have been delighted to see you … Read More »

History of China, Treasures from the Orient Close to art, close to you Have you ever heard of the Chinese legend’s loathsome beast named “Year” (nián)? While all rejoice and celebrate the festive moment of a new year, it gets out of its lair to devour children and vulnerable beings. To chase it away, only one trick works: firecrackers! Though we did not light any on …

A fresh new year, a new year afresh Read More »